Invasive Recipes from Prevention Magazine

Photo copyright 2012 by Jackson Landers
Prevention magazine's Mandy Oaklander ran a great slideshow of my photos and recipes on their website today. Anyone looking for invasive species recipes should definitely have a look. All of these recipes also work pretty well with less exotic main ingredients.

Mandy also came with me for the great Central Park pigeon hunt last month. Hopefully the video of that will be up soon.

Oddly enough, Rodale publishing also has another article about my work that went up today. This one was supposed to be in Organic Gardening but somehow ended up on Prevention's website as well. I think that now that I'm in two different articles in Prevention, simultaneously, right after a full page in TIME magazine, this is pretty much the definition of going mainstream.

So if anyone has been waiting around to offer me a TV show or a speaking gig, this would be a good moment to ask.


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