Deer Class Partners Wanted!

Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012 by Jackson Landers
The demand for me to teach more deer hunting classes for beginners has been constant. Yet I can't do them here in Virginia anymore because the last deer farm in VA has closed and I don't have a way of guaranteeing a freshly killed deer for students to work on.

What I need at this point is a small number of hunting lodges in different parts of the US or the world to partner with. I come in to teach my acclaimed class on deer hunting for adult beginners, and the lodge provides logistical support. Lodging, help with getting a deer to work on, transportation, use of a kitchen for butchering and cooking, etc.

We aren't looking for trophy deer -- the class will be happy to work on a doe or a culled buck. Our focus is on deer as food.

Do you own or manage a hunting property with a lot of deer on it? I'd like to talk to you. Looking for several partners in the US and possibly partners in Sweden, New Zealand, and any other country with a non-native population of whitetail deer (or related species).

For more information about my classes, books and work, visit


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