'Eating Aliens' Named a Top Science Book of 2012

Copyright 2012 by Jackson Landers
I just found out that Library Journal named 'Eating Aliens' one of 2012's top science and technology's books of the year! I didn't have the money to enter any of the industry's competitions for best books, so it was nice to have something like this handed to me. There isn't a trophy or anything, but I'll take what I can get.

In other news, tomorrow I start my service as the newest board member of Earth Week.

Last Sunday I spent the day helping culinary historian Dr. Leni Sorenson make an early 19th century recipe for mincemeat using venison and beat meat provided by yours truly. Actually, 'helping' glorifies my role too much. She did the research and most of the actual work while I ground some spices and soaked up as much wisdom from her as I could. We got great photos and hopefully I can find a good home for an article about the day.

Deer season is continuing here in Central Virginia and I still have a few days open for guided hunts before the end.

'Close to the Bone' is color corrected and is being submitted to film festivals now. As soon as I know about screening dates in different cities, I will post them here.

The Virginia alligator expedition will be moving ahead in the spring once the gators are warmed up and active. Our intent is to get out there during the weeks of the spring mating season when any alligators present would be bellowing and making it easier to identify them.


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