Men's Journal, Yale, and an Announcement

Its been a good deer season this fall. All of my students this year (so far) have gone home with a cooler full of meat. The weather has been fine and the deer are moving. I'm falling horrifyingly behind on email lately on account of spending 10 to 12 hours a day in the woods guiding students one-on-one.

Men's Journal has a nice article about me starting on page 36 of their latest print edition (December/January issue) with a flattering photograph (I assume that the idea here is for teenaged girls to clip it out and pin it to their bedroom walls). That's me with the Ruger Mk. III stainless steel target pistol set up on a pair of shooting sticks. I often hunt with that pistol, using it essentially like a rifle without a stock.

'Cooking Wild' magazine also has a fun piece about some of my work on page 22 of their latest issue. Of all things, they got interested in my experiments with eating invasive plecostomus sucker fish, netted from Floridian canals. They published my recipe for mango plecos, which was also described in my recent book, 'Eating Aliens.'

Any day now my new food piece in Slate should run. This one will be about my about-face on the matter of bear meat and includes everything you could possibly look for in an article written by yours truly. There's road kill, a little science, meat, killing an unreasonably large beast armed only with a knife, and wine pairings.

I can also announce now that I will be speaking at the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy on February 13th. This appearance will be on a panel to discuss whether invasive species should be eaten with a biologist and a chef alongside me. Appropriately enough, Jim Gorman, deputy science editor of the New York Times, will be moderating. It was Gorman who coined the term 'invasivore' to describe me in an article two years ago.
Finally, I'd like to make it known that I'm now on the lookout for an environmental non-profit to work with or for. After years of working on my own as an advocate for sustainable hunting and for action against invasive species, I'm running out of resources to continue doing this important work on my own. Hopefully there is an organization out there looking for a writer, public speaker, teacher, political operative and environmental advocate who can walk in the door with an internationally recognized track record of credibility on invasive species and on recruitment of new locavore hunters.


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