Live Streaming Interview

Photo copyright Jackson Landers, 2012
I don't have a link to point to just yet, but on Friday, October 19th, I will be part of a live video discussion about 'alternative meat' at the Huffington Post at 3:30 pm. Tune in and see what unfolds, because as of now I have only the slightest idea as to what this interview will really be about.

Also on the Huffington Post in the next week or so, you will find a slideshow of photos from my work on 'Eating Aliens.'

For the last six weeks or so my primary job has been promoting 'Eating Aliens.' This is a whole aspect of the book-writing job that most people don't even realize exists. I spent a pretty big chunk of my life traveling around the US hunting and fishing for invasive species and eating them. I like that part. Then I had to wrap up the writing part. I like that part all right as well. And then I'm supposed to promote it. That is the part that nobody could really be ready for.

More articles for Slate are lined up soon, as well as a piece in the Washington Post. I apologize for the delay, but the good news is that everything that Rule .303 has been covering for the last half decade has now gone mainstream.

[The photo depicts bear steak, which was delicious. Article pending in Slate shortly.]


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