Time Running Short for Gator Expedition

My expedition to search for wild alligators in southern Virginia needs to launch in a few weeks, but I'm still lagging way behind on the fund-raising. Honestly, I am very good at going out into the field and getting things, and very good at turning those experiences into media that other people can enjoy, but I am terrible at fund-raising. I beg that you will donate to this campaign. This will be the coolest thing that anyone has done all summer, I promise.

Haven't we all noticed how much of an echo chamber the internet is? Millions of people sitting in front of screens and blogging the same stuff back and forth. This whole system is desperate for substantive ideas and experiences to argue about. Rather than becoming another one of those bloggers or journalists who simply critiques what other people are doing and talking about, I have always sought to be the guy who goes out into the world to actually do something worth talking about.

This is where the rubber meets the road. I'm not even asking for something for nothing -- donors will receive signed copies of my books, downloads or DVDs of the film about me, 'Close to the Bone', and various other neat things. For a really big donation I'll even take you out into the field on the gator hunt.

Please help to support not only an important environmental issue but also the basic premise that there should be room left in modern media for people who actually get their hands dirty and take some risks in the field. Otherwise you're all going to have to keep arguing about Honey Boo Boo and Justin Bieber or whatever it is that conventional media outlets are reporting on lately.


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