Sportsmen's Bill Stirring Controversy

From the WMI Outdoor News Bulletin:
The Sportsmen's Heritage Act (H.R. 4089) passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 274 to 146 on April 17.  Many groups are now pushing for action in the Senate, however, the bill's momentum has created a rift among some conservation organizations.  While many sportsmen's groups are touting the bill's importance to entrench hunting, fishing and shooting on federal public lands, others claim the bill is unnecessary and could undermine wilderness protection, reports the Wildlife Management Institute.
Concerns raised in addition to undercutting protection of wilderness areas are: creating loopholes in the National Environmental Policy Act (that could make it easier to close federal lands to hunting) and cutting the President's authority to create new national monuments that was first used by Theodore Roosevelt.
I hope all hunters will work together to fix these issues in the Senate- then we will have a truly landmark bill for the future of hunting.


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